יוסף גטניו - צייר ישראלי About Joseph Gattegno Contact Joseph Gattegno


Joseph Gattegno is an exceptional artist in the history of Israeli art – a fierce colorist, whose paintings hold traces of Impressionism mixed with Pop Art and Lyrical Abstraction. To a large extent, what he created on his many canvases was pure visual music.

About Joseph Gattegno

Joseph Gattegno was born in 1939 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and immigrated with his family to Israel in 1940.
Joseph was among the leaders of israeli art group nmed 10+ , including Rafi Lavie and Moshe Givati.
In 1963 he was sent by the Ministry of Colture and Education to represent Israel at the “Biennale de Paris", in France.
In 1965 he won an acquisition award on behalf of the Tel Aviv Museum and was sent to Paris Biennale again. In 1966 Gattegno won the “Sharet” scholarship for overseas studies from the America-Israel fund and moved to Paris, France with his wife.
During his studies in Paris, he gradueted from the following schools: “Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts” and “Ecole superieure des metiers d’art”. Upon his return to Israel in the mid-70s, he began teaching painting in various institutes, including the Institute “Avni”, Institute of Contemporary Art and the “Popular” university. Joseph passed away from Cancer on 2016.

International Exhibitions
  • • Group Exhibition in Ostend, Belgium
  • • Group Exhibition, Centre Berger, Paris
  • • Group Exhibition in Cherbourg, France.
  • • Solo exhibition at “Gallery Yves Brun”, Paris
  • • Solo exhibition at De Sfinx, Amsterdam.
  • • Solo exhibition sponsored by the organization, Baron de Rothschild, France.
  • • Solo exhibition at Torrier Ardeche, France
Local (Israeli Exhbitions)
  • • Solo exhibition Painters and Sculptors Association booth, Tel Aviv.
  • • Exhibition “Day mode”, “Bezalel” museum, Jerusalem.Feature...
  • • Solo exhibition at Dugit museum.Feature...
  • • Solo exhibition at “Liioik art house”, Tel Aviv.
  • • Solo exhibition at the Holon Municipal museum.
  • • Solo exhibition at “Shlush Gallery”, Tel Aviv.
  • • Solo exhibition at “Efrat Gallery”, Tel Aviv.

I Believe – I Draw

“1984 was a turning point in my work. Until then, my paintings were influenced by the grayish light of Paris, the city in which I have lived and created for many years.
In that year, I returned to bright colors, which I have used in my early years as a painter. Tel Aviv was my main source of inspiration, and in my paintings, I tried to convey the bustling pace of life in the city with vibrant and dynamic tempos.
The following stage of my work drew on my memories of the city rather than actual city views. In my paintings, I roamed the streets, the painting easel with me, and transported selected fragments of my impressions, from different angles and various distances – onto the flat canvas. The titles that appeared in my paintings, like “I Went and Came Back,” expressed this approach. The attempt to portray an entire world on the flat canvas concluded in the piece “I Went, Came Back, and What I Did in This Time.”

For several years now, my paintings have moved away from the didactic dimension.
Each painting is like an extremely short trip. When I embark on the trip, I do not know when the painting will reach its conclusion and what will be its final color palette. Whether it will be very figurative or if the shapes will be more abstract in nature.
Other motifs have also made their way into the works, in which I go into shops,  hopping malls, and galleries.

The work process is complex: the painting starts with quick and spontaneous impressions and continues with thinking and planning. If after the first “trip” I am not pleased with the composition that I have created – I do not attempt to fix it, but rather go on another trip, in which new shapes take the place of the previous ones.

In my paintings, I strive to remain a local painter. They are influenced by the blinding light of Israel, by the climate, the scorching heat, and the dripping sweat…
A chapter in itself are the paintings that I created as homage to my favorite painters, whose art have influenced my work at one time or another.”

Joseph Gattegno